
10-Step Roadmap to Storytelling That Sells (Branding Experts Won’t Tell You This!)

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10 Step Roadmap to Storytelling That Sells

Your brand is so much more than a logo or color scheme! 💡

It’s a reflection of WHO you really are & WHAT you really stand for & THE DIFFERENCE you want to make in the world✨

Storytelling is the Secret to a Magnetic Brand

When you write copy that truly resonates you’re not just sharing information — you’re sharing a compelling story:

  • That draws people in emotionally, 
  • Captures their attention, and 
  • Allows them to see themselves in your own story, 
  • Creating hope in how they too can be, do, or have something like you, which creates an emotional connection. 

In other words, a compelling story is facts wrapped in emotion. And when emotion is involved, people don’t just listen, they take action.

Your True Self vs. Your False Self—And Why It Matters for Your Brand

🤫 The secret most “branding experts” won’t tell you: 🤫

The more you understand the difference between Your True Self vs. Your False Self, the more you will operate in oneness, being fully present, and therefore No longer feeling divided inside. 

The Truth: Operating as Your True Self (or Aligned Self) is what will have you create clearer messaging and marketing so that you attract your ideal clients, which builds your personal brand.

The Key: The power of your story isn’t in its perfection – but it’s authenticity. The more real you are, the more magnetic your brand becomes.

Here’s your roadmap to crafting a story that not only connects but converts:

  1. (Hook) Rapport Building
    • “If you are anything like me…INSERT THEIR GREATEST ASPIRATION” OR “If you have ever experienced this _X_then chances are you can relate…”
  2. (Problem + Consequence) Paint the Picture of Their Current Disliked Reality
    “But that’s not what really happens when you…”
  3. (Hope) Give Them Hope and Reassurance
    • “And I want you to know it doesn’t have to be this way.”
  1. (Introduce Dream Come True + Benefit) Painting the Picture of Their Desired Result/Outcome/Solution by Inviting Their Imagination to Kick In…
    • “How would it feel if…”   OR “Imagine instead that you are…”
  1. (Misconceptions) The Tough Love
    • “Ok, but wait… That’s not always your reality, is it? Here’s why…”
  1. Take the Pressure Off
    • “It’s not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you and I can show you how to turn this around…” 
  1. Introduce your steps
    • “There are __X__ sequential steps for you to Y.”  
  1. Earn the Right
    • “How do I know all this? Because I was once in your shoes not that long ago and this is how I turned it all around”
  1. The “After of Your “Before and After” 
    • “And now my life is __X___ and none of this would have happened if I hadn’t decided to __X__(the action you want them to take)”
  1. (Engage + Call To Action)
    • “Just comment “____X____” to save your seat and I’ll send you a DM/PM with all the details
      👏 I can’t wait to see you there!”

What’s Possible…

When you master this framework, you’ll find yourself:

  • Writing copy that feels natural, not forced ✍️
  • Attracting clients who resonate deeply with your story ❤️
  • Converting followers into buyers because they see themselves in your journey 💰

Are you ready to transform your brand story into one of your most powerful business assets?



Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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