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The Awakened Entrepreneur — The World’s Only Experts in Aligned Intelligence® for Business and Life Mastery

This experiential, immersive brain coaching program is not about teaching you coping mechanisms. It TRULY solves what has been stopping you from achieving your potential in business relationships and in life.

This is the ONLY self-coaching model that is:

  • The fastest way to change your subconscious mind
  • Silence your inner critic
  • Level out your emotions
  • Feel free to make decisions on purpose
  • Confidently trust in your own wisdom.
  • No longer rely on coping mechanisms to get you through the day.
Sign up today for your FREE one-hour clarity call
Simply schedule your call below to begin your journey to become an awakened entrepreneur.

As Featured On

The World’s #1 Business and Life Mastery Experience

This experiential immersive program, teaches you the ONLY self-coaching model that allows you to:

By learning how to...

Introducing the Awakened Entrepreneur

The ultimate, all-in-one Brain Coaching Program where Entrepreneurs step into who they were Meant to be and have the life and business they’ve always dreamed of.

Created $40k while being in our Live Intensive!

Neils-Peter van Doorn

Made more money than ever in less than 8 weeks!

Patrice Keegan

Went from being stuck at $250K for years to creating $900K in less than a year!

Stacey Krantz

Left her corporate job to go out on her own as a consultant and created $500K in the first 8-weeks

Jules Noonan

Went from $250K to over $550K in less than 7 months

Kelli Folsom

Created $1 Million dollars in less than 8 weeks working with us!

Jim Beaulieu

Made his first Million in less than a year! Now in his 2nd year he has scaled to $3.5 MILLION!

Tahi Spinks, Owner of Number One Electrical Solutions

From Stressed Out -> to Everything Working Out!

Dr. Kate Harrison, Owner of Kenilworth Footcare

$1 Million Dollar Return in 6 Months of Working With Mia!

Bianka Carson, Owner CEO of People First Community Care

Tripled her monthly income in her Med Spa Business as well as made $15k more a week in her Dental Business while taking 1 day off each week

Dr. Neda Hovaizi, Owner & Founder of Lumiere Dental Spa and Lumiere Laser Center

(Full Transparency *We Don’t Verify Claims — All claims presented by our customers are assumed to be accurate, but are not verified in any way)

I’m Going To Show You EXACTLY What’s Been
Your Whole Life… Guaranteed.

The Awakened Entrepreneur program will show you how to align your life and business to how you want to live using The Aligned Intelligence® Method as a fundamental tool that bridges the gap.

Do Any of These Sound like You?

You Are

An entrepreneur (or aspiring entrepreneur) who feels you are Meant for More. Tired of constantly self-sabotaging.

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, unworthy or not good enough.

Lacking vision, planning, and/or follow through in achieving goals that inspire you. Lacking focus and direction on how to expand, grow, and scale.

Feeling like your earning potential is limited by your time and capacity.

Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted from hitting the same plateaus or regressing.

Feeling guilty for the abundance or little success you do have.

Feeling incapable of achieving what you Really want while staying true to who you are.

Desperately hoping for solutions that never come.

Tired of grinding and hustling.

Tired of programs and courses that only focus only on mindset and not helping you address how you’re feeling. Feeling like you don’t fit in or fit the mold.

Looking for the fastest way to reprogram your subconscious mind.

If That Resonates with You, then It’s Time to Become an Awakened Entrepreneur. After This Brain Coaching Program, You Will:

Feel Free to be seen and heard.

Feel Free to be Fully you. Free with your time, your family, and Free to create the wealth and life you are most passionate about.

Trusting yourself and listening to your intuition.

Move past band-aid solutions that only treat the symptoms and not the real root cause.

Not be just another “number” who is given a course and some advice and then left alone to figure it all out but shown how to monetize your zone of Genius.

Transform your relationship with money.

Learn the easier, faster, proven way to create six and seven figures in your business-consistently (regardless of the type or size of your business).

Create more opportunities for residual income and financial freedom.

Scale for expansion, profitability, and growth.

Learn how to best use your skills and talents with Freedom, Flow, and Ease instead of getting stuck in the weeds working on tasks.

Minimize your time and effort while maximizing your profitability.

Be a part of an incredible support network of your peers where you feel connected, supported, and belonging.

We support you in RESOLVING what’s been missing your whole life!… Guaranteed.

Ready for a tailored solution that ACTUALLY gets you everything you ever wanted in life and business?