4 Steps to Help Process Grief

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Have you ever Googled “how long does grief take“? I know I did, back when I was struggling with my own grief over the loss of my amazing horse, Teddy. You see, Teddy taught me MORE about myself and life than I could ever put into words.  I LOVED that horse!

A long time ago, I had to make the difficult decision to put him down because he had cancer in his eye and I didn’t want him to suffer any longer…it broke my heart.

Processing Emotions Explained

Back then I didn’t have the tools I have now to process my emotions. The answers I found from “experts” were far from comforting.

“One to two years,” they said. “Or even longer.”

The thought of that was Soul-crushing! To think that I would have to carry this pain for a long time felt like a life sentence. 

I remember thinking, “Is this really what it takes? I spent countless nights pondering, why does healing have to take so long? Isn’t there a quicker, more effective way to feel like myself again?

Deep down, a voice whispered, ‘There’s another way.’

A path to healing shouldn’t take a lifetime.

And you know what? My intuition was right.

Processing Grief Doesn’t Have to Take a Long Time

The Truth: Grief does NOT have to take years.
In fact, it can take only days or even hours…

This is the reason we teach people how to process ANY and ALL emotions so that they no longer live with anything holding them back. 

With compassion, if you’re struggling with grief right now, I feel you.

The way out is by follow these four steps to reclaim your life:

Step 1: Acceptance: 

Embrace the reality of your loss fully and without any judgment. This is more than just understanding what happened; it’s about feeling the emotions associated with the reality -by first allowing them.  

Step 2: Emotional Processing: 

By facing any and all emotions that arise—anger, pain, frustration, or even guilt—whatever they may be, allowing yourself to truly feel them so that you can process through them. Reflect on these feelings looking lovingly at them until you’ve let them all go.

(In our programs, we teach you our Aligned Intelligence Method®, an invaluable process and skill set that’s specifically designed to help you navigate and release ALL pent-up emotions so that you can feel FREE of them.)

Step 3: Choose Anew:

Once you’ve processed those raw emotions, it’s time to reclaim and redefine your future by constructing a clear, detailed vision of what you now want your life to look like post-grief.

Step 4: Intentional Living: 

Now, Align your daily actions with your vision. Starting with small, purposeful actions, that you take every day that will create enormous change over time, bridging the gap between where you are → to ←where you want to be.

So, if you’re tired of hearing “time heals all wounds” or “just give it time,” you can now implement the 4 exact steps to resolve your grief. 


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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