
9 Proven Steps to Become an Expert

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Have you ever wondered how to establish yourself as a True leader or expert in your industry?

What I am about to share with you took me over two decades to learn…

Here are the 9 proven steps to support you to rise to the top, no matter your field:


I.e. How to grow your YouTube channel to your first 10,000 organic followers


I.e. How to lose belly fat after 50


I.e. How to re-spark your romance as empty nesters

Passions People Are Obsessed With:

I.e. How to train your puppy in 30 days or less

Spiritual or Religious Development:

I.e. How to embrace your psychic gifts

I.e. How to live 365 days a year by Faith

  • The Reluctant Hero Model: “I didn’t want to do this, but I had to because I couldn’t stand…”
  • The Adventure Model: “I’m going on this journey and I’ll be sharing with everyone what works, what doesn’t work and what I found was missing instead…”
  • The Reporter Model (or Evangelist): “I’m interviewing people to better understand WHY and HOW something works so you can have it work too…”

Anyone of the these brand journey’s will lead to you being an Expert in a specific market or industry.
The one you choose becomes your Movement. 

By using your own personal story, you share your reason and passion behind WHY you do what you do, then you can share HOW you specifically solve it with a strong conviction.

This will attract the right audience. 

This becomes your Mission.

  • The Creator: Generate original content that stands out.
  • The Reporter/Evangelist: Share valuable insights by highlighting others.
  • The Adventurer: Experiment with new ideas and strategies.

*This becomes how you use Social Media to accomplish your Movement & Mission.

Lean on what you do best. Your innate abilities and unique strengths are invaluable assets to others.

*Remembering, your brilliance is most often in your blind spot.

Ensuring your unique offer is a different or simpler approach to solving a high-value problem.
*Remember, you don’t have to invent something brand new, just find a unique or clever angle to solve a high-value problem.

Identify your ideal client’s biggest pain points that you solve in a new way.

Create an irresistible offer that solves their first biggest “front-end problem” and then their second biggest “back-end problem.”

*Remember, having a back-end offer can also be a Done-For-You model.

You must know how to position yourself as the best choice by creating a compelling, dominant selling belief: “A new, simpler way to achieve your desired outcome.”

When you use ALL the above steps together, it creates your brand journey that showcases your mission and movement. Use these steps to design an irresistible offer that has a unique angle to solve a highly valuable problem. 

Ultimately, this answers the questions your ideal clients have: 

Why should I listen to them? Why is this the best and only choice for the specific problem I have? And Will this work for me?

Rooting for your success,
Mia 💜


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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