The Secret to Getting Real Results

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You’ve been sold a bag of tricks.

In truth, we all have… and not one bag – lots of them.

But one of the greatest offenders NOT serving you to reach your potential is the belief that awareness is enough to get a result.

  • Awareness helps us to overcome fear….
  • Awareness builds a sense of self-worth…
  • Awareness will change your mindset….

Think about how we were taught when we were little.

When you were taught your ABCs, starting with memorizing that infamous ABC song.

And as long as you could sing that song back to someone, you were rewarded!

But could we read? Nope.

Could we spell? Nope.

Was it an important step? Yes.

Was it enough for a result? No.

But it planted the seeds of a dangerous misconception that we have continued to water as we have grown.

If we are aware of something or know about it, that is enough to get us the result we want and turn dreams into reality.

But consider this: if you are not living the results you want, you already know that awareness of how to live free is NOT enough to actually live free.

Meaning if you’re stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, hit a plateau in your business, ready to find FREEDOM from the inner struggles that are keeping you stuck…

Consider that no amount of knowledge will get you living your full potential.

This is why all the “advice” in the world – the books, the band-aids, and the partial solutions you’re trying to slap together – aren’t working.

Consider this: if you’ve never baked an apple pie before and you want to bake an apple pie, knowing you need apples is not enough to get you an apple pie.

No matter how hard you try.

“Ok, Mia,” I hear you saying, “so what do I do instead?”

You must internalize what you truly want to live and live new experiences. Your new experiences will align actions, giving you the results in business and life you know you are meant for…

The operative word there is “live”.

Let’s take the example of baking an apple pie. You need to internalize your desire to bake an apple pie. When you do this completely and fully, you will not just read about “how to bake an apple pie.” You will align your actions to buy the ingredients and actually make the whole apple pie. It’s not enough to passively consume information, collect “knowledge,” and expect a pie! And you can’t eat it if it doesn’t exist. So how do you use awareness to get different results?

We must internalize our awareness, clearing away the misunderstandings and misconceptions in our way. Then, when we can apply the truth consistently, which has us implementing intentionally, achieving business success and the purposeful life we were born for will happen naturally.

In other words, we must take our moments of clarity from thought, put them into thought- form and then internalize them as truth. This shift, in reality, is what makes putting it into a practical application happen – or it will stay as just a nice insight.

It’s only through making the pie – through the lived experience of it – that you gain true knowledge of what it takes to make the apple pie.

And, bonus, when you execute to completion, you train – your whole being – to trust in yourself.
This allows you to let go of always needing to know “How” something will work out BEFORE you start …as you start trusting yourself in the end result… proving yourself right each and every time.

So, in your life, whether it be the speed you want to scale your business or your need to create positive and affirming personal relationships where you’re not getting the result you want, begin with awareness. But keep in mind that awareness is not enough to get you the results you want.

Awareness is not enough to bake that apple pie — just as the ingredients won’t magically transform into the pie. You need to create a vision of the pie and trust yourself to align your actions to bake the actual F#@*@#CKIN pie!

So I have an invitation for you:

If you’re ready to end the cycle of self-sabotage that is keeping you reading recipes but never baking pies, stuck in despair, self-judgment, and fear…

If you’re ready to free yourself from your limiting beliefs, self-judgment, and fear, I have a proven method that doesn’t just give you a quick, temporary result. This will clear away your self-doubts and show you how to stop self-sabotaging, so that you can live in alignment with your inner self. The clarity and confidence to transform your dreams into your reality is waiting…

If you’re ready to finally know your worth and CHARGE for it…

If you’ve been procrastinating, seeking answers, aware you need this work but have not yet taken action…

If you’re ready to finally, not only have that apple pie but enjoy eating it too…

I have the action for you.

Our 5 Day Challenge got so many RAVING reviews as people felt transformed before their eyes!

This is your chance to move from intention into action: Right Here.

And now, I’m off to eat a huge piece of the apple pie I baked…

Always in your corner,


P.S. We’re on a mission to help 5,000 entrepreneurs Awaken to The Truth of who they really are and realize the potential within them to achieve exponential growth. Want to help us change the world? It’s really simple, just one quick action. If you know someone in your life who needs this, please take a moment to align your actions with your inner self and share it with them! Just send them this link or share it from my social media. That tiny action will produce a BIG DIFFERENCE for you and will be something they will remember you for!

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