Perfectionism Explained

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I finally watched the Barbie movie, and there was one scene that hit home! The scene is when Gloria is laying out all the impossible standards women feel like they are supposed to meet.

This a painful reminder of how trying to be perfect IS an unwinnable game!

Did you know that perfectionism is an illusion?

Perfect for who? Too thin for who? Too heavy for who? Too confident for who? Too mean for who? Too old for who? Too rude for who?

Have you noticed how fickle people are?

Even if you were to get it just right one day, they can change their mind the next.

The key understanding: the majority of people are living through their own perception of Reality (based on their own original core trauma™; their fears, their judgments, their limiting beliefs, their insecurities,) rather than seeing Reality. 

In other words, their fears, their judgments, their limiting beliefs and their insecurities are what they are then projecting onto others.

The illusion of Perfectionism is that we could ever meet everyone’s expectations.

This false perception leaves us believing that we must have to be “flawless” in order to be worthy of love and acceptance.
It leaves us believing it’s our responsibility to satisfy everyone else’s opinions.

And when we do that, we end up operating as our false selves, never questioning if this is truly the life we are meant to live.

We stay stuck in an invisible trap of perfectionism, inside our own original trauma™ and then end up living a life of regret for having Sacrificed A Life True To Ourselves.

But here’s the Truth:

Everything changes once we can identify with being the observer of the story INSTEAD of being an actor in the story.

When you awaken to the Truth of who you really are you: 

💛Find clarity, purpose, and self-realization

💛Feel certain, empowered, and deeply connected to yourself, others, and life 

💛Embody self- acceptance, self-love, self-worth, and the real ability of being capable,                 

💛Make choices guided by your own inner wisdom 

Imagine the joy, freedom, and ease of living each day as your most authentic self, no longer shackled to others approval or validation. 

This is what our Aligned Intelligence Method® achieves.

Because in Truth, the greatest freedom comes from NO LONGER being concerned about what others think. This is how you truly make the MOST out of your life…

Which in turn, will have you APPRECIATE THE GIFT OF LIFE.

Living it without any REGRETS.

With love, always, 


P.S. If you haven’t seen the Barbie movie yet, consider this your sign to grab some popcorn and dive in. You might just walk away with a new perspective on living in alignment.


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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