Do you remember that unforgettable scene from Friends where Ross is desperately trying to move a couch up a narrow staircase? 

He keeps yelling “PIVOT!” at the top of his lungs, as if sheer force of will could make the couch magically fit.

It’s hilarious, and it got me thinking how sometimes pivoting IS what is necessary for our own lives, especially when it comes to having a successful business.

So, the question becomes: 

Why do we keep trying to force something that isn’t working OR quit without ever considering pivoting?

The Truth is it all comes down to whether we are in a perception or reality or REALITY.

Realizing the only thing constant is CHANGE.

The skill you want to take on mastering is FLEXIBILITY.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I view myself as fixed, rigid or unyielding?
  • Or am I flexible, adaptable, ready to embrace new angles?

Holding onto a rigid self-image limits our capacity to adapt, or pause, so that we can turn potential pivots into opportunities. 

To cultivate flexibility:

It starts with understanding the fundamentals of how life really works, how YOU really work, and how to have life work FOR you. 

Here’s what you need to know and accept:

  1. Reality just IS: All life is neutral. Meaning, every moment has no meaning other than the meaning we are giving it in the moment. This is why two people can be in the exact same circumstance and give it two different meanings and therefore experience two totally different outcomes. Consider, the Truth is all life is neutral. It just is.

Action Step: Take something that is currently causing you stress in your life or business and set it to “neutral”

  1. Recognize What is Reality VS. Your Perception of Reality: No matter what’s happening around you, it’s all neutral. How good or bad it feels depends on the meaning you are giving it…

Action Step: What meaning are you giving to that stressful thing in your business? From a neutral standpoint, what’s the Truth versus the lie you now see? 

  1. Analyze, Assess, & Diagnose Reality (without meaning): When you can see reality as it is, you can then choose to create a new plan, take new aligned actions to achieve new aligned results.

Action Step: When you take the meaning out of that stressful thing in your life, what new plan can you make to change the situation? What new actions will you take?

As Ross learned the hard way, sometimes the best move is to rethink your approach altogether and JUST PIVOT

I’d love to know how you’ve adapted and pivoted in your business…

What do you feel has been your SINGLE BIGGEST key to your success? 

Standing with you,



Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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