Why Does the Success of Others Make You Anxious?

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Ever feel a knot in your stomach when someone shares their latest achievement on social media?

You might start to believe that your success must be limited or that someone else’s victory is a direct threat to your own.

What if I told you this anxiety you feel isn’t really about the other person?

What if I told you it’s actually a gift that’s pointing at a limiting belief you have.

And it’s come to the surface so you can heal it and release it.

Anxiousness Explained

Consider, this common reaction called anxiousness is happening because your protective self is trying to control something that is uncontrollable—other people’s achievements.

When you’re caught in this comparison trap, it’s easy to feel like other people are winning while you’re falling behind. 

The Truth is: This Scarcity Mindset Is a Lie.
AND Everyone can win in life; based on the law of cause and effect.

Just because someone else is winning doesn’t mean you have to lose.

Success is equally available to everyone once you understand how life REALLY works, how you work, and how to have life work for you- rather than feeling like life is always against you. 

When you are ALL-IN on your results you:

  • hold the expectation 
  • your focus, 
  • your intention, 
  • your outcome, 
  • your feelings (firmly on believing in yourself) 
  • your behaviors and skill sets (necessary to achieve it)
  • following all the way through until you have new experiences and it is your new experiences that will create your new results.  

In flow, everything feels like it is conspiring for you…

Now, imagine a world where you fully embrace this…

Visualize a World With No Anxiousness

Visualizing yourself, instead of feeling threatened by others’ wins, knowing that you can now:

  • Celebrate their successes, knowing that their victories don’t diminish your own?
  • Use their achievements to fuel your own ambitions, no longer as a reason to doubt yourself?
  • Experience the freedom of genuinely rooting for others, feeling secure, knowing that there’s plenty of success to go around?

Feel the joy that comes, not from comparison, but from genuine love and connection on shared victories.

All of this isn’t just an idea—it’s a real possibility, and it’s within your reach.

And I can show you exactly how. 

It’ll offer insights on the roots of self-comparison and practical tips for embracing your unique strengths and self-compassion.

And if you would like to short cut your results, just reply with “Growth” to see if our customized support is a right fit for you! 


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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