Understanding Trauma to Achieve High Performance

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Picture this: You’ve assembled what you think is a dream team: Set clear goals. Implemented cutting-edge productivity tools. Yet targets are being missed. Meetings are tense. Growth has stalled. And you? You’re hesitating.

Hesitating to have those difficult conversations. To track and measure excellence. To hold your team truly accountable. Why?

Finding Your Trauma

The answer might shock you… 

Most often, it’s Not your strategy, the market, or even your team that’s holding you back.

It’s something far more insidious. 

Something buried deep in your subconscious, sabotaging your every move.

I’m talking about your original unresolved trauma. 

This is hard neuroscience.

It’s the voice in your head saying:

Who am I to demand more? I should be grateful for what I have.
If I push them too hard, they’ll leave me.

I can’t trust anyone to do this right…I have to do this ALL myself. 

I’m here to tell you it’s Not even your real voice…

It’s your protective self (or false self) calling the shots in your business.

And it’s costing you a fortune.

Unresolved Trauma Explained

The Truth is original unresolved trauma creates patterns and programming that affect ALL of your decisions, your behaviors, and your actions leading you to fear and hesitate in your business or professional lives.

  • You avoid holding your team accountable because confrontation feels scary.
  • You micromanage everything because trusting others feels impossible.
  • You undersell your services because asking for what you’re worth feels selfish.
  • You hesitate to scale because ‘too much’ success feels overwhelming and dangerous.

It’s a pattern that, without knowing the root cause, many experience.

You can have the best business strategy in the world, but if you’re operating from a place of your original unresolved trauma, you’ll keep self-sabotaging.

You’ll keep building a ceiling right above your current level of success. 

And then wonder why you can’t break through.

But here’s the good news: Once you identify and heal your original core trauma, everything starts to change.


  • Building a high-performing team you trust and are accountable.
  • Having tough conversations that drive results without anxiety.
  • Confidently charging what your services are worth (and getting it).
  • Making decisions from a place of abundance, not scarcity.
  • Scaling your business without subconsciously sabotaging your growth.

It’s not just possible. It’s inevitable- once you can see the root causes of it. 

What do you think is the biggest thing holding you back in your business or career?

Hit reply with your answer and I will send you a personal reply on how to go even deeper.


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

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In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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