Is Your Subconscious Mind Running the Show (Here’s how to Outsmart it)

To be a successful entrepreneur, you MUST decide to BE it, DO it, and then… you will HAVE it.Most often, the problem is…in the moment you DECIDE to expand, your Protective Self automatically kicks in. This isn’t your higher self. It’s your ego. Meaning, it’s your subconscious patterning or programming (the part of you that […]
The Perfectionism Trap: Why Getting It ‘Right’ Is Keeping You Stuck
We live in a world that glorifies perfectionism. But what if, perfectionism is actually an invisible trap? We tell ourselves that if we just work harder, and push more, everything will finally fall into place. You know that voice… the one that says success is always just one more task, dollar sign, or achievement away? Or, maybe […]
Why Understanding Trauma Is Key to Exceptional Results
Picture this: You’ve assembled what you think is a dream team: Set clear goals. Implemented cutting-edge productivity tools. Yet targets are being missed. Meetings are tense. Growth has stalled. And you? You’re hesitating. Hesitating to have those difficult conversations. To track and measure excellence. To hold your team truly accountable. Why? Finding Your Trauma The answer might […]
4 Steps to Help Process Grief
Have you ever Googled “how long does grief take“? I know I did, back when I was struggling with my own grief over the loss of my amazing horse, Teddy. You see, Teddy taught me MORE about myself and life than I could ever put into words. I LOVED that horse! A long time ago, […]
Stress & ‘Monkey Thoughts’ – How to Quiet Your Overactive Mind
Do you ever feel like your mind is a battleground, filled with relentless thoughts, doubts, and worries that refuse to shut up? If so, you’re not alone. All those “what-ifs” and worst-case scenarios looping on repeat over and over again can feel like a storm in your brain, right? This internal chaos can make you […]
Why the Success of Others Make You Anxious (And How to Overcome It)
Ever feel a knot in your stomach when someone shares their latest achievement on social media? You might start to believe that your success must be limited or that someone else’s victory is a direct threat to your own. What if I told you this anxiety you feel isn’t really about the other person? What […]
How to Fully Embrace ‘Doneness’ and Move Forward with Confidence
Imagine living a life where your success isn’t just a possibility, but a current reality. The key to becoming successful is by living in the DONENESS Meaning, developing the ability to close the gap between where you are→ to ←where you want to be! Here are 5 things successful millionaires do consistently: Hold their Vision […]
Everything You Have Faced Is Setting You Up For Success
Imagine this: You’re catching up with friends, and they ask you the dreaded question… “How’s your business going?” Your heart sinks as you think about the countless times you have changed niches, the failed launches, or the constant feeling of being stuck. You force a smile and mumble something about “still figuring things out,” all […]
Learn All About Why Anger Can Be a Good Thing
When was the last time you felt angry? I mean really angry — that fiery sensation coursing through your veins, your heart pounding out of your chest, your fists fully clenched. Now, let me ask you another question: How did you respond to that anger? Did you suppress it, fearing its intensity? Did you lash […]
Perfectionism Explained
I finally watched the Barbie movie, and there was one scene that hit home! The scene is when Gloria is laying out all the impossible standards women feel like they are supposed to meet. This a painful reminder of how trying to be perfect IS an unwinnable game! Did you know that perfectionism is an […]