The Differences Between Fear and Danger

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Have you ever felt gripped by fear so tightly it seemed impossible to shake off? I want to introduce a new concept that can forever change how you view fear. Consider, all FEAR contains a GIFT.  I know, I know…it may sound ‘crazy’ at first but stay with me To see the gift, go to a place where you are alone and safe. 

Imagine Safety Without Fear

First, notice that in this physical moment, you are safe.  

Imagine gazing at fear innocently – like a curious child marveling at something new. Letting go of any meaning you’ve attached to the fear.  Looking lovingly with curiosity, pulling back from it until you come into neutrality–seeing it objectively.

Now, I invite you to deeply consider this profound realization: 

“Nothing I am experiencing is being caused by anything outside me.”

Say that to yourself a few times and truly let it sink in – really FEEL it.

Fear is Not Real

Fear is an illusion – a learned pattern from valuing fear over love while navigating challenges. It stems from an innate desire for safety and control. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking – How can we possibly see fear in such a light, especially when it feels so real and so limiting?

This is where I want to leave you hanging on the edge of your seat.

Danger vs. Fear

Let’s dive deeper into the truth about fear and how it can transform your life. First, let’s clarify a key distinction: DANGER vs FEAR

Danger: A response to imminent physical threat. Our body’s way of protecting us, is a primal brain signal that is vital for survival.

Fear: A creation of the mind, purely psychological and projecting from past traumas or protective mechanisms. It represents a perceived threat, not an actual one.

With this clarity, you see:

  • Your experiences are shaped by your perceptions, not external events. Understanding Fear vs Danger reveals that fear is often a product of our thoughts and beliefs, not the reality of our circumstances.
  • Fear limits freedom through false constraints. 

It creates boundaries where none truly exist, holding you back from exploring your full potential.

  • You have the power to shape your reality with choices. 

Every decision you make, informed by a clear distinction between fear and actual danger, guides the direction of your life, opening up possibilities for growth and fulfillment.

Dissolving Fear

We live only in the now.  And it’s here you are free – when you realize fear’s illusion for what it is.

So, how do you dissolve fear?

Remember yesterday, I guided you here: “Look lovingly with curiosity, pulling back from it until you come into neutrality – seeing it objectively.”

Once there: Fully accept and surrender to ‘What Is’ in each moment. Understand the REAL RISK is not facing anything at all. Not going all in. Embrace the present, recognize the true nature of your experiences, and choose to live fully, beyond the constraints of fear.

Are you ready to take this understanding and apply it to your life? 

To look at fear, not as an enemy, but as a signpost guiding you towards your true potential?


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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