How to Turn Pain Into Power

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Have you ever felt the deep, aching pain of a setback that leaves you questioning everything? I know I have…

What if I told you that this very pain holds the key to your greatest power? Yes, you really read that right. Pain, when understood and processed, can become the most powerful fuel for your growth and success.

As Joseph Campbell said: 

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

It’s a reminder that the things we avoid the most—whether it’s tough conversations, big decisions, or taking risks—are often where our greatest growth and success lie.

Most people are always trying to avoid pain.

They think they can only be successful once they eliminate pain. 

In Reality: Success is Not about Eliminating Pain VS. Knowing How To Process it.

Think of it like this: If you put your hand on a hot stove, you don’t want to ignore the pain. That searing sensation is your body’s way of saying, “Hey, this is dangerous—move your hand!” 

Pain, in all aspects of life, is just a signal that something needs your attention.

The key is Not in trying to avoid pain but rather learning how to process it.

Eliminating pain is like trying to numb yourself to that warning signal. It might feel better in the short term, but you’re missing out on vital lessons. 

In other words, leaving your hand on that hot stove causes more damage in the long run.

Processing pain, on the other hand, means facing it head-on. It’s about acknowledging the discomfort, clearing the blindspot in your way so that you gain new understanding for the pain, and implementing the new skills sets necessary to grow stronger thereby achieving new results. 

In other words, when you process pain, you’re not just moving your hand from the stove; you’re learning to navigate the kitchen more effectively and efficiently to achieve new results. 

So, I challenge you to ask yourself:

  • What’s the “cave” you’re avoiding right now?
  • What conversations are you putting off?
  • What decisions scare you?
  • What work are you avoiding because it’s uncomfortable?

These are all signals.

The Truth is, True success isn’t about being fearless. 

It’s about growing bigger than any so-called challenge you face, not avoiding them.

The next time you’re faced with a painful situation, don’t try to eliminate it. 

Process it. 

Learn from it. 

Use it as fuel to drive your ambitions, so that you clear so-called obstacles, and achieve your results.  

Then pain is Not a curse but a gift.

Are you ready to turn your pain into power? 

To let it be your greatest teacher?

You’ve got this!


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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