Have you ever thought… “When I’m successful, then I’ll be happy?”
I know I used to!
I remember the first time I had saved up just enough money to put down a deposit on a Brand New Car.
I was soo excited!
It was the first time I got to choose the color,
The first time I got to choose all the bells and whistles I wanted!
I can still remember smelling its new car scent.
After growing up poor, It was the first time I truly remember feeling what wealth must feel like.
Every day I couldn’t wait to get up and drive it…
Day 1: “This is AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING!!!!!”
Day 2: “This is so cool…”
Day 8: “Is this… amazing and cool?”
By Week 2: “Wait, how much am I paying for this car each month?” 😵💫
All those years of thinking and believing I’d be happy WHEN I had a new car…
Was an illusion.
A pipe dream.
All Smoke and mirrors.
I felt let down…
Betrayed…at how quickly my feelings of happiness faded!
Reality set in, my new vehicle was ultimately just something that got me from Point A →to→ Point B.
And that’s when It hit me….
Happiness is fleeting. 🤦🏼♀️
It’s an emotional state tied to a present moment, which gives us instant gratification.
(Like the rush of buying something new, it feels amazing… for a little while)
But fulfillment? That’s completely different.
Fulfillment is lasting. 😊
Fulfillment comes from having a deeper longer lasting satisfaction.
(Like praising ourselves for achieving something big, meaningful, useful or impactful)
Fulfillment is longer lasting as it connects us to an inner value we have that gives us a deeper sense of self-satisfaction.
🤔In hindsight, I felt more fulfilled by my accomplishment of having saved up for the car than I did for actually having the car itself…
Now, I realize, The Key is allowing yourself to have BOTH!
Question: What if you could be more deliberate in your business and life and have both? 🤔
By slowing down and creating more moments of Happiness, appreciating the here and now, while you praise yourself for the results/outcomes you’ve already created, as you also are eagerly anticipating having the results and outcomes you most desire, such that you feel emotional Fulfillment – NOW!
How to Complete The Day so that you live in BOTH Happiness and Fulfillment:
Step 1: Reflection – Reflect on your day and remember what were your happiest moments.
Step 2: Ask yourself – What were your most challenging moments?
Step 3: Process any negative emotions through AIM® – Our Aligned Intelligence Method® to uncover your blind spots and let go of any misconceptions or misunderstandings.
Step 4: Look for the value – In hindsight, what was the gift in that situation? Or what was the valuable lesson? Connect your learning about your experience to your values for long-term fulfillment
Step 5: Complete this – Praise yourself for appreciating your wins feeling true happiness for these moments as you also feel deeper fulfillment for honoring your values to yourself.
“I did this!”
“I closed the gap on this!”
“I am the solution to all my Future Desires!”
Step 6: Declaring Newly – Set a new intention for tomorrow, embodying who you are now, focusing on having more moments to appreciate and feel fulfillment.
Try this tonight and notice how different you feel when you intentionally create happiness and fulfillment!
With love,
Mia 💜