Mia Hewett

Life Coach For Entrepreneurs

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As an entrepreneur, have you ever felt that you’re meant for more but are unable to unlock your true potential? If so, I’m here to guide and mentor you through your entrepreneurial journey and help you create the successful business you’ve always dreamed of. I’m Mia Hewett, an entrepreneurship coach and certified life coach, and my mission is to awaken the entrepreneur within you.

As a business owner and successful entrepreneur myself, I understand the challenges you face in creating a profitable business. I’ve been there, feeling stuck and unsure about how to grow my business. That’s why I created the Aligned Intelligence Method® and wrote the book “Meant for More” to help entrepreneurs like you overcome mental, emotional, and physical barriers, and achieve business success.

In my book, “Meant for More,” I challenge your beliefs, revealing why “trying harder” and “doing more” won’t work, and uncovering what’s really behind stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and depression. The book helps you discover the split between your authentic self and your ego, enabling you to awaken your full potential and become the person you were born to be.

As an entrepreneur business coach myself, I’ve worked with numerous small business owners, guiding them through strategic planning, creating online courses, and finding new revenue streams. My coaching service focuses on helping you attract ideal clients and make more money, all while enjoying more freedom and success in your life.

My life coaching services are tailored to your unique needs as a business owner. Whether you’re a female entrepreneur seeking professional growth or a seasoned entrepreneur looking to scale your business, I can provide the emotional intelligence, self-awareness, motivation and support you need to achieve your business and career goals.

In addition to one-on-one coaching, I offer online courses that cover various aspects of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur coaching, from goal setting and marketing to business idea, to leadership and productivity. My clients come from various industries and walks of life, and they all share a passion for turning their business ideas into reality.

As a life coach for female entrepreneurs everywhere, I believe in the power of accountability, mentorship, accountability and collaboration. In my coaching, I offer a blend of knowledge, resources, and strategies to help you overcome challenges and reach new heights in your entrepreneurial journey.

My past clients have experienced tremendous growth, both personally and professionally. They’ve seen improvements in their self-confidence, motivation, and focus, allowing them to make better decisions for their businesses and lives.

Imagine having a coach who understands your unique struggles as an entrepreneur and has the experience, knowledge and expertise to guide you through them. With my help, you and company can create a successful business that aligns with your vision and brings you the fulfillment and success you deserve.

Are you ready to awaken the entrepreneur within you? Discover the power of my entrepreneurship coaching services and join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs, business owners and coaches who have transformed their businesses and lives. Get your copy of “Meant for More” today and take the first step towards the life and business you’ve always wanted.

Remember, you are meant for more, and together we can unlock your true potential as business coach and an entrepreneur coach. Don’t let your fears and self-doubt hold you back any longer. Let’s embark on this journey to success together!

As an entrepreneur, you might wonder why life coaching for entrepreneurs is different from traditional small business owners’ coaching. The answer lies in the unique approach to tackling both personal and professional aspects of your life. Life coaching for entrepreneurs focuses on a holistic view, acknowledging that your personal well-being has a direct impact on your business’s success. Let’s delve deeper into some of the key benefits and aspects of entrepreneurship coaching.

Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness

One of the critical components of life coaching for entrepreneurs is fostering emotional intelligence and self-awareness. As a top coach and business owner, understanding your emotions and how they affect your decision-making is crucial. By developing emotional intelligence, you can manage stress better, adapt to change, get more clients, and maintain healthy relationships with your team and clients.

Self-awareness is also essential for personal and professional growth. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can make informed decisions and leverage your unique skills to drive your company or your own business further forward. Life coaching helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, enabling you to make better choices for your business and personal life.

Goal Setting and Strategic Planning

Entrepreneurship coaching focuses on setting clear, achievable goals for your business. By working with a coach, you can break down your vision into smaller, actionable steps and create a strategic plan to achieve them. This process helps you prioritize tasks, allocate resources efficiently, and maintain focus on what truly matters to your business.

Time Management and Productivity

As a business owner, time is one of your most valuable assets. Life coaching for entrepreneurs helps you develop effective time management and productivity strategies tailored to your unique needs. By identifying time-wasting habits and implementing productivity techniques, you can work smarter, not harder, and achieve more in less time.

Work-Life Balance

One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Life coaching helps you create boundaries between your personal and professional life, ensuring you have time for both work and leisure. By learning to balance your responsibilities, you can avoid burnout and enjoy a more fulfilling life outside of work.

Networking and Collaboration

In today’s interconnected world, networking is more important than ever for entrepreneurs. Life coaching can help you develop the skills needed to build strong professional relationships and collaborate effectively with others. As you expand your network, you’ll gain access to valuable resources, potential clients, and new, profitable business growth opportunities.

Continuous Learning and Adaptability

The world of business is constantly evolving, and successful entrepreneurs must be adaptable and open to learning. Life coaching encourages continuous education and personal development, allowing you to stay ahead of industry trends and adapt to changes in the industry and the market.

In conclusion, life coaching for entrepreneurs provides a comprehensive approach to personal and professional growth. By focusing on emotional intelligence, self-awareness, goal setting, time management, work-life balance, networking, and continuous learning, entrepreneurship coach and you can unlock your true potential and achieve lasting success in your entrepreneurial journey. Remember, you are meant for more, and with the right guidance and support from entrepreneurship coach, you can make your dreams a reality.

The Awakened Entrepreneur

In today’s fast-paced world, entrepreneurs often find themselves struggling with self-sabotage, stress, overwhelm, and a constant feeling of being stuck. Mia Hewett’s Awakened Entrepreneur program is a groundbreaking 8-week brain coaching experience designed to help entrepreneurs unlock their true potential, gain clarity, and achieve the life and business they’ve always dreamed of.

This innovative program for coaches goes beyond traditional mindset coaching by addressing the root causes of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs. The Awakened Entrepreneur program focuses on:

  1. Changing your subconscious mind rapidly.
  2. Silencing your inner critic.
  3. Leveling out your emotions.
  4. Empowering you to make decisions with purpose.
  5. Building confidence in your own wisdom.
  6. Eliminating the need for coping mechanisms.

The Awakened Entrepreneur program features an 8-week experiential experience crafted by Mia Hewett herself. Upon signing up, you’ll receive a free one-hour clarity call to jumpstart your journey towards becoming an awakened entrepreneur.

The World’s #1 Business and Life Mastery Experience

The Awakened Entrepreneur program is not just another course that focuses on mindset alone. It’s a comprehensive course and immersive experience that teaches you the ONLY self-coaching model that allows you to silence your inner critic, level out your emotions, make purposeful decisions, and confidently trust in your own wisdom.

Success Stories

Many entrepreneurs who have participated in the Awakened Entrepreneur program have seen incredible results in their lives and businesses. Some have created substantial revenue in a matter of weeks, while others have doubled or even tripled their income in just a few months. These testimonials show the transformative power of this program and its ability to help entrepreneurs break through barriers and achieve their dreams.

  1. Neils-Peter van Doorn: Neils-Peter created $40k while participating in the live intensive of the Awakened Entrepreneur program.
  2. Patrice Keegan: Patrice made more money than ever in less than 8 weeks, showcasing the program’s ability to drive tangible financial results in a short amount of time.
  3. Stacey Krantz: Stuck at $250K for years, Stacey’s participation in the program led her to create $900K in less than a year.
  4. Jules Noonan: Jules left her corporate job to start her own consulting business and, within the first eight weeks, generated $500K.
  5. Kelli Folsom: Kelli’s income increased from $250K to over $550K in less than 7 months.
  6. Jim Beaulieu: Jim created $1 Million dollars in less than 8 weeks while working with the Awakened Entrepreneur program.
  7. Tahi Spinks: Tahi made his first Million in less than a year, and in his 2nd year, he scaled to $3.5 million.
  8. Dr. Kate Harrison: Dr. Kate’s experience with the Awakened Entrepreneur program took her from being stressed out to everything working out.
  9. Bianka Carson: Bianka received a $1 Million Dollar return in 6 months of working with Mia Hewett.
  10. Dr. Neda Hovaizi: Dr. Neda tripled her monthly income in her med spa business and made $15k more a week in her dental business while taking 1 day off each week.

The Aligned Intelligence® Method

The Awakened Entrepreneur program utilizes the Aligned Intelligence® Method, a fundamental tool that bridges the gap between your life and business goals. This method will help you align your life and business with your true desires and unlock your full potential.

Is the Awakened Entrepreneur Program Right for You?

The program is an education, designed for entrepreneurs who:

  1. Feel they are meant for more and are tired of self-sabotaging.
  2. Experience overwhelm, stress, unworthiness, or feelings of inadequacy.
  3. Struggle with vision, planning, and follow-through in achieving their goals.
  4. Believe their earning potential is limited by their time and capacity.
  5. Feel overwhelmed and exhausted from hitting the same plateaus or regressing.
  6. Seek solutions that address their feelings, rather than just focusing on mindset.

The Transformation

Upon completing the Awakened Entrepreneur program, you will:

  1. Feel free to be seen, heard, and fully express yourself.
  2. Trust yourself and listen to your intuition.
  3. Move beyond band-aid solutions that only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.
  4. Monetize your zone of genius and transform your relationship with money.
  5. Learn the easiest, fastest way to create six and seven figures consistently.
  6. Create more opportunities for residual income and financial freedom.
  7. Scale your business for expansion, profitability, and growth.
  8. Learn how to use your skills and talents with freedom, flow, and ease.
  9. Minimize your time and effort while maximizing profitability.
  10. Be a part of an incredible support network of peers where you feel connected and supported.

If you’re ready for a tailored solution that actually gets you everything you ever wanted in life and business, then it’s time to become an Awakened Entrepreneur. Sign up today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling, successful career, and purposeful life.

What is an entrepreneur coach?

An entrepreneur coach is a professional who specializes in guiding entrepreneur coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs through various stages of their business journey. They offer tailored advice, strategies, and support to other business coaches to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges, achieve their goals, and grow their businesses. An entrepreneur coach often has personal experience in running a business and understands the unique struggles entrepreneurs face.

Is a life coach an entrepreneur?

A life coach can be an entrepreneur if they run their own coaching practice or business. In this case, they are responsible for marketing their services, managing clients, and handling the financial aspects of their small business themselves, much like any other entrepreneur. However, not all life coaches are entrepreneurs, of course, as some may work within larger organizations or as part of a team.

What is the average cost of a life coach?

The cost of a life coach can vary significantly depending on factors such as the coach’s experience, location, and the specific services they provide. On average, life coaching sessions can range from $75 to $250 per hour, with some high-end coaches charging even more. Many life coaches offer package deals or discounts for long-term commitments, which can bring down the overall cost per session.

Do entrepreneurs need a coach?

While it’s not a strict requirement for entrepreneurs to have a coach, many can benefit from the guidance, support, and expertise that a coach provides. Entrepreneurship can be a challenging and lonely journey, and a coach can help entrepreneurs navigate obstacles, maintain focus, and make better decisions for their businesses. By partnering with a coach, entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights, develop new skills, and accelerate their personal and professional growth.


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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