Living in Doneness

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Imagine living a life where your success isn’t just a possibility, but a current reality.

The key to becoming successful is by living in the DONENESS

Meaning, developing the ability to close the gap between where you are→ to ←where you want to be!

Here are 5 things successful millionaires do consistently:

Hold their Vision in Their Mind Incessantly: 

They fixate on the end in mind. Consistently holding a vivid vision of the end result, then constantly making all their decisions from the end- right now. 

Test their Idea in the Marketplace: 

    They validate the necessity of their idea in the real world by having people buy it first-, ensuring it’s something the market feels it NEEDS.

    Live in Alignment, Following Through with Consistent ALIGNED ACTION

      Their actions are not random but are all aligned with their vision, so that they are deliberately being who they need to be, doing what is required to execute their vision with unwavering consistency.

      Not Letting Anything or Anyone Deter or Distract them from Their VISION: 

        They persist, processing and clearing any obstacle in the way, holding firmly to their outcomes, results and solutions.

        Turning their Ideas into Reality: 

          Transforming their vision into their lived realities.

          What’s a vivid vision you would like to turn into a reality? 


          Hold that vision.

          What new decisions would you naturally make (coming from this new way of being) so that it becomes your reality?

          FEELING and EMBODYING your desired results-NOW!

          From this Alignment, take the New Aligned Actions, consistently and deliberately following all the way through until you achieve your desired results. 

          By doing this, you will close the gap between where you are→ to← where you want to be!

          Turning your idea into a reality. If you would like to dive deeper in discovering your own million-dollar business idea, then check out my latest blog HERE to find the sweet spot between what you love and what the market needs.

          Standing for your greatness, always,

          Click Here to check out my latest blog on how to uncover your million-dollar idea while embracing your aligned self to achieve success.


          Mia Hewett

          My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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          Know Your Worth and Charge for It

          In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

          • How to stop self-sabotaging
          • How to change your subconscious mind
          • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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