Six Steps to Navigation Through Conversations Like the Pros Do

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When it comes to having conversations, do you struggle to find a place of strength to speak from? Do you let others just dominate the conversation, while you sit back and just listen? This is actually quite common, and we know exactly how to help you break free from this state of being.

I’ve laid out the exact 6 steps to navigating tough talks like a pro:

Step 1: Connect With Your Higher Intention

Whether you’re a leader, parent, or team member, you want to connect with your vision. Fully holding the feeling place of the end result and trusting in a higher intention or bigger purpose. 

Step 2: Clarify the outcome you most want

Get crystal clear on the result you want from the conversation and anchor it in your mind.

Step 3: Clarify the outcome you don’t want

Just as important as knowing what you do want is understanding what you don’t want. Identify your fears and triggers to avoid misunderstandings and defensiveness

Ask yourself: What are you most afraid of happening? What would trigger you?

What will make you feel unsafe?

Knowing this allows you to process any resistance, misunderstanding, or misconception that may be blocking you from clearly communicating your desires and outcomes. 

(We recommend using our Aligned Intelligence® Method to do this!)

Step 4: Clarify what success looks like

Combine your desired outcome with your concerns to then craft a vision of exactly what a successful conversation would look like. 

Step 5: Clearly communicate your intention

From this newfound clarity set the conversation up for success by expressing your intentions and gaining their perspective.

Step 6: Get a new agreement

Now you know how to enter the conversation by…

  • By stating your clear intention
  • Being open and willing to hear the other person’s perspective without reacting to it
  • Acknowledging and validating their perspective

You will want to get a clear agreement on the solution and how they will implement the new behavior or strategy so that they are able to accomplish the new intended outcome that will create a win/win for both parties.

If you need more support, we teach this skill and many others inside our Awakened Entrepreneur program

By following these steps, you’ll go from dreading difficult conversations to feeling confident, centered, and aligned. 

You’ll celebrate your ability to be in any conversation, with any type of person, and have it be productive to create a win-win solution.

Rooting for your success, always,



Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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