My Bestselling Book on the Subconscious Mind
Learn to reprogram your subconscious mind.
- Be your most Authentic self
- Create the business and life of your dreams
- Live the life you’ve always known you were Meant For

“Meant For More” is the #1 way to live as your true self creating 6-7 figures and Awaken to the truths that have been stopping you your whole lids – Guaranteed.
So that you have real power to create the life and results you’ve always known you were Meant For.
As Featured On
Stop Surviving and Start Thriving with the Best Book on Subconscious Mind Reprogramming!
The truth about having weaknesses (and why they don't determine your success) (
page 23 ) -
How you have experienced trauma, even if you never had a near-death experience or were physically abused (and how its affecting your reality in a huge way (
page 59 ) -
How to create unshakable self-esteem with the 3 Human Thrivers (
page 79 ) -
Why problems don't exist (and the 2 reasons you still struggle) (
page 47 ) -
How to separate your Truth from your ego (and become one with your Truth) (
page 63 ) -
The biggest misconception you have about the current version of yourself (
page 29 ) -
The secret recipe for creating beliefs (
page 52 ) -
How believing that you're alone is keeping you from your true potential (
page 41 ) -
What's actually happening when you worry about your future (
page 30 ) -
Why trying HARDER isn't the answer (and can actually impede your success) (
page 31 ) -
How to use your power to create your reality - intentionally (
page 96 ) -
The reason 98% of people won't go home and implement what they learned at a motivational seminar (hint: no, they're not lazy!) (
page 31 ) -
The 3 big obstacles that get in the way of being your power, trusting yourself, and being the force you were born to be (
page 85 ) -
3 common patterns that all entrepreneurs struggle with (and how they keep them from reaching their full potential) (
page 47 ) -
The fastest 3-step process to get from where you are to where you want to be (
page 33 ) -
Exactly what happens when you hit an internal block (and how to set yourself free) (
page 90 ) -
3 keys to becoming unapologetically you (and stop living in a state of constant concern) (
page 68 ) -
The amazing 3 powers you were born with that enable you to create your own reality (
page 36 ) -
How to stop feeling crushed by the judgment of others (
page 88 ) -
The invisible trap you've been stuck in (without even knowing it) (
page 56 )
This book is only 157 pages, but it’s PACKED with valuable content on every single page.
The eBook
The Audiobook
Are You Ready to Reprogram Your Mind?
From the outside, I looked like I had it all together. A beautiful family and a multimillion-dollar company… Yet inside, I STILL didn’t feel good enough.
I constantly doubted myself — felt there must be something wrong with me. If reaching all of these goals didn’t bring me happiness…what would?
So I read every personal development book I could get my hands on. I took every course, paid to be in the VIP sections, and hired some of the best coaches in the world…
I wanted to become my most powerful self. Live a life I love. Create the business of my dreams.
What I discovered was that these people at the “top” didn’t know how to solve what I was missing because MOST OF THEM WERE MISSING IT TOO!!!
I eventually realized that the answer wasn’t outside of myself at all. It was IN ME!
I now live a life I love, feeling free to be me! And having the business and life partner of my dreams…life just keeps becoming even MORE amazing.
And I want YOU to have this, too!
This is The Best Book on the Subconscious Mind You Will Ever Read
The Truth Is: Everything We’ve Been Taught About Life Is Backwards
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Overwhelm
- Depression
Discover the split between your authentic self and your ego, and learn how to:
- Awaken your full potential.
- Become the person you were born to be.
- Uncover what has been keeping you stuck – stopped – and struggling in business and life.
Grab My Best-Selling Book and Awaken Your Full Potential
This book is only 157 pages, but it’s PACKED with valuable content on every single page.
“This book is powerful. It helps the reader see in themselves what is really preventing them from living their potential. This will have you wake up to the truth that is already within you.”
–Weldon Long, New York Times Bestselling Author.
My best-selling book, ‘Meant for More’, will help you discover how life really works, so you can stop secretly struggling and become a force to be reckoned with.