Learning the Truth Can Set You Free

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We’ve all had those moments – when we know in our gut that we should choose a certain path, but we override our gut convincing ourselves otherwise.  Maybe out of fear, doubt, or simple discomfort. It’s in these moments, when we go against ourselves, that we face the consequences.

Understanding this connection is pivotal. 

Acceptance and Forgiveness

Instead, you want to process your emotions, accept responsibility, forgive yourself and others, and then consciously realign with your true self.

This alignment isn’t about trying to control our outcomes or forcing ourselves into a box; it’s about surrendering, letting go, so that we go with the flow, and achieve what we genuinely want.

In my journey, I’ve learned how much our emotions and energy shape our reality. These are the undercurrents that determine our experiences, successes, and obstacles.

Yet, so often, we tune out that inner voice that could guide us toward fulfillment.

Your Core Trauma Leads to the Truth

Why? It all comes from our Original Core Trauma™️ that created our subconscious programming, that then shows up as daily distractions that dull our awareness and lead us off track. 

This happens because, frankly, we don’t trust ourselves enough to listen to our gut feelings.

The great news, if you were the one who created this (by default) then you can absolutely un- create it (intentionally).

The Truth is:  

You have the power to deliberately create the life you desire by staying aligned within yourself – problems only arise when there is a Blind Spot  in the way of the solution- keeping you from your centered place of Truth. 

At the end of the day, it all comes down to our willingness to look lovingly at our blind spots so that we uncover what’s in the way, resolve it, by implementing new beliefs, new skill sets, new behaviors, new habits or new routines so that we steer our lives back on course!


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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