What it Really Takes to Be Committed

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I’ve stayed true to one thing — honoring the commitments I make to myself. This dedication has transformed my life and also the lives of my clients as it has me operating in Alignment with what I Think, Say, Feel & Do – every day. 

Today, I’m revealing what it really looks like to be committed so that you take an Idea and turn it into a Reality using a Vivid Vision. 

Here are the 13 fundamental principles To Achieving Your Vivid Vision:

1. I Have Clarity In My Vision

I am CLEAR on WHAT I want and WHY I want it.

2. I Make Strong Commitments

I have decided to achieve my Vivid Vision by having a strong conviction while linking massive pleasure to the End Result – Now!

3. I Uphold My Word To Myself

My commitments mean EVERYTHING to me. I stay in alignment with my word.

4. I Identify Distractions

By reflecting on anything that’s taking me away from my Vivid Vision, clearing the resistance through AIM® and then re-priorities my activities.

5. I Focus Feverishly On Achieving ONE Validated Offer First

That’s marketed on ONE proven channel, and sold with ONE repeatable sales process, Knowing The Bucket I AM In (that we teach you)…

6. I Establish Trustworthy Habits

I build habits and routines that allow me to trust myself by being my word.

7. I Have A Daily Plan

I have a daily practice of focusing on my top three profit-generating activities. Always knowing what is closest to the money.

8. I Set Deadlines

I use deadlines that support my Vivid Vision so that my way of being is always acting in alignment to the completion of the necessary tasks

9. Accept All Learning As FEEDBACK

I will take IMPERFECT actions and Embrace What Shows Up” and then Self-Reflect on What’s Working? What’s Not Working? & What’s Missing? Then put in what will have it work.

10. I Ask For Support

Allowing any and all correction by embracing my blindspots allows me to grow myself bigger in any situation, circumstance, event or with different types of people.

11. I Implement A Measurement System

I have a system in place that measures my progress so that I can make necessary improvements.

12. I Take Consistent Aligned Actions

I follow my plan consistently until I reach my desired level of achievement.

13. I Celebrate Small Wins to Achieve BIG Wins

I acknowledge and praise myself often as it’s only by acknowledging my daily small wins that my BIG wins feel familiar and safe to achieve.

A Few Cautionary Notes:

  • Avoid Commitments You Can’t Uphold.
  • Be Honest About What’s Been Distracting You- By clearing any and all distractions through Aligned Intelligence Method®
  • Don’t Skip Setting Deadlines as Deadlines are what ensures the completion. 

Are you ready to be truly committed to your success?

Rooting for you, always,


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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