
How to Think 10X Bigger (And Get Results 10X Faster)

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Why 10X Growth is Easier Than 10%—But Only If You Do This

Are You Creating Your Life Deliberately or By Default?

If you’re NOT clear on who you are being, what you want and why you want it, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect doesn’t stop happening.

This means your unwanted results will keep happening by default INSTEAD of your own deliberate intentions.

The Key Understanding: The magic you’ve been looking for is in you doing the inner work (you’ve been avoiding) when you do NOT deliberately create your results – intentionally.

This is why without you being Clear on WHO you are, WHAT you want and WHY you want it– you’ll drift.

You’ll settle for less, make excuses, and stay stuck chasing small, incremental wins.

🤔 But what if it didn’t have to be this way?

The False Self Trap: Why Small Improvements Keep You Stuck

What if one of the biggest reasons you’ve been living by default is because the strategy you’ve been using to achieve your goals is trying to improve your False Self? 🤯

And the False Self’s “job” is to just keep you SAFE!! 

10x is not SAFE!! Most times, even 10% more is not safe. 

What if you stopped aiming for 10% improvements from the False Self and started thinking 10X bigger from your Aligned Self–the Self that Knows NO Limits? 👀💥

Why 10X Thinking Works (And 10% Thinking Doesn’t)

Dr. Benjamin Hardy research shows it’s actually easier to achieve extraordinary, 10X results than it is to improve by just 10%.


Because 10% goal setting keeps you trapped in your old False Self patterns. 

You tweak, adjust, and try harder—but nothing really changes… because you have been trying to enlighten or improve your False Self! 

The reason 10X thinking works is it causes you to let go of your False Self (and your outdated beliefs) so you can create newly–from nothing. 

This is how and when – everything shifts. ✨

You stop inching forward and start owning your power, co-creating with infinite intelligence, the Universal law of cause and effect to then take the Aligned Actions to achieve your new results. 

To get there, requires four things:

  1. Knowing WHO you are from who you are Not. The difference between when you are operating as your True Self (Aligned Self) versus your False Self. 
  2. A Clear Outcome. Knowing what you want – specifically? Vague desires create vague results.
  3. Having A Big Enough WHY. Why does this – emotionally – really matter to you? 
  4. Integrity with your word. Operating in Alignment – by doing what you said you would do, by when you said you would do it.

When you are CLEAR on who you are being,
Knowing WHAT you want specifically so that you become one with it. 

When your WHY is bigger than any obstacle – you don’t see obstacles.
When your WORD is bigger than any fear – you don’t allow your fear (or False Self) to distract you.

This is the formula for 10X Aligned results!

You ignite a powerful Intention (or obsession) And then operate in oneness with it – allowing nothing to stop you. Thereby creating your reality intentionally.

Rooting for your greatness,
Mia 💜


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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  • How to change your subconscious mind
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