Why Do I Compare Myself to Others?

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It’s natural to compare yourself to others, but constant comparison can lead to chronic self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and lack of fulfillment. At Aligned Intelligence, our mission is to help people overcome barriers to thrive at their personal best. With self-compassion and insight into why we compare ourselves, we can break free of self-limiting beliefs.

What Drives the Urge to Compare?

The impulse to compare ourselves stems from basic human drives including:

  • Belonging – We yearn to fit in with a group and gauge if we measure up. Social media intensifies this.
  • Self-Worth – We often tie our value to external validation and measures of success rather than inner wisdom.
  • Safety & Survival – For our ancient ancestors, comparing skill sets could literally mean life or death. This instinct persists even when no longer vital.

Did you know that all of these stem from your original, core trauma? That’s right. While it may surprise most people, the urge to compare is a result of trauma experienced as a child.

The Downsides of Chronic Comparison

Frequent comparison to others can lead to:

  • Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome – Focusing on “better” people can invoke chronic feelings of not being good enough despite accomplishments.
  • Lack of Self-Awareness – We lose touch with our inner truth as our lens focuses outward trying to define ourselves through others.
  • Decreased Self-Compassion – Judging ourselves for not measuring up to often air-brushed, one-dimensional snapshots of people decreases self-kindness.
  • Diminished Self-Worth – Basing our value on metrics outside our control leaves our sense of worth on shaky ground.

Self Doubt and Imposter Syndrome

Self-doubt and the tendency to chronically compare ourselves to others also fuel a psychological phenomenon called “imposter syndrome.”

Imposter syndrome is a persistent feeling of being a fraud and fear of eventually being exposed for how incompetent we may feel internally despite outward evidence of success. Comparing our self-perceived flaws or shortcomings to other expected standards drives this persistent sense of inadequacy, being an imposter, and being just “lucky” rather than deserving of accomplishments.

Even high-achieving individuals can find themselves trapped in the pattern of focusing on their anxieties and self-doubt, therefore never feeling satisfied with real success and always comparing their “real self” negatively against others viewed more favorably.

By learning to silence inner self-criticism and challenge logical fallacies about our worth depending on external validation or narrow standards, we can gain freedom from imposter syndrome as well as break the unhealthy comparison habit.

How Can We Break Free of the Comparison Cycle?

We heal your original core trauma and support you in realizing why the comparison cycle is happening.  

  • Identify our unique strengths – Instead of focusing on others’ attributes, we help people get very clear on the special skills and talents that set us apart.
  • Give ourselves compassion – Our team will help show you that we really need to treat ourselves with the same caring we would a good friend struggling with self-doubt.
  • Gain perspective – The images and carefully curated success stories we see provide half-truths at best. This is an area in our training that provides a TON of insight. We are comparing our behind-the-scenes challenges with someone else’s highlight reel, but don’t worry – we’ll show you how to stop doing this to yourself.
  • Uncouple our self-worth from metrics and praise – Did you know our value transcends any one skillset, dynamic, or external validation? In our intensives, we have the key to unlock this area of thinking.

As we practice self-compassion and see ourselves and others clearly for who we are behind the facades, we tap into an inner well of self-acceptance where we no longer feel the angst of unproductive comparison.

The Path to Self-Acceptance

With insight, patience, and caring self-talk, we can overcome the need to compare ourselves to others by embracing these truths:

  • My value stems from within, not without.
  • Chasing validation through comparison will always leave me empty.
  • I have special gifts no one else brings to the table.
  • The wholeness I seek can only be found by looking inward.
  • I am enough just as I am in this moment.

By taking the self-judgment out of self-assessment and celebrating exactly who we are at our core, we pave the way to belonging, achievement, and lasting confidence that comes from living in alignment with our inner wisdom.

Summary – Stop Negative Comparisons

Frequent comparison leading to chronic self-doubt results from the mind habitually reverting to primitive needs for safety and belonging at the cost of self-acceptance and inner fulfillment. At Aligned Intelligence we support you with healing your original core trauma and identifying this pattern, providing you with the direct individual coaching necessary to override this survival-based instinct and achieve your result. 

As we embrace self-compassion along with an honest appraisal of strengths, we are no longer plagued by measuring up to air-brushed facades. We tap into who we really are under the self-doubt – whole, capable, valuable human beings with a vital role to play just as we are.

Through direct coaching and step-by-step guidance, we teach you the skills necessary for you to shift from scarcity to abundance. Together, we’ll:

  • Embrace a mindset where success is unlimited and available to everyone.
  • Celebrate others’ achievements while confidently pursuing your own goals.
  • Develop resilience against the comparison trap and focus on your unique journey.


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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