
Why Free Advice Is Holding Your Business Back

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Why Free Advice Is Holding Your Business Back

The Truth About Free Services That No One Talks About

I’m going to shatter a widely-held belief that you may have that is sabotaging your success AND your prospects’ results.

Are you ready?

How do I know this?

Because I used to do this all the time! I used to think I was truly helping them because I needed to show them my value.

When in fact, I was wrong.

I didn’t realize back then that I was really making this all about me. Whether I was being seen as a good person or not. 

When in Truth if people don’t pay, they don’t REALLY play. 🚫

Why Free Clients Rarely Value Your Expertise

I’ve seen it time and time again:

  • Free clients who ghost you
  • No-shows for complimentary sessions
  • Half-hearted attempts at following your proven advice

Think about it:

  • When was the last time you truly valued something that cost you nothing?
  • How seriously did you take the “free advice”?

This is what happens when we don’t have any skin in the game.

The Reality is—when people don’t invest, they don’t fully show up, so without the investment, real change is nearly impossible.

The Psychology of Investment: Why Paying Creates Commitment

By consistently offering your services for free, you’re training people to undervalue what you are offering.

You’re unintentionally teaching them that transformation should be easy, painless, without behavior changes so therefore cost-free.

When in Reality…

Real change requires real commitment.

Then a continuous conscious choice to keep our commitments.
Therefore A Real commitment requires us to recommit to our choice daily in a form of changed behaviors.

Nothing fuels true transformation like financial commitment—because when we invest, we grow.

My challenge to you is to stop undervaluing your services and start standing for others to fully commit to their growth by investing in their worth. 💰

When they pay, they pay attention.


P.S. This isn’t just about money—it’s about creating the space for real transformation. Are you ready to stand for that level of commitment from your clients?


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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