Ever Been Disqualified?

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Do you ever feel like you missed your chance to live your passion?

Like you should have made a move years ago, and now it’s too late?

Or maybe you feel like you just don’t have the “it” factor that successful people have.

Leaving you feeling defeated.

fix your mindset

Alexandra was feeling the same way when she implemented the Aligned Intelligence® Method and started believing she was Meant for More.

Alexandra was a teen mom. She’d never had a 9-5 job. She thought she disqualified herself from the life she wanted– like she had to choose between being a mother and being herself.

At just 37 years old, Alexandra thought she was too late. She didn’t trust herself. She didn’t feel like she deserved anything more.

She tried to push through her self-doubt and her limiting beliefs that told her she would never be more than she was. She pushed and pushed and pushed but never moved the walls.

She only found more resistance.

She attended conferences, watched speakers, read books, but all she got was the short-lived high of being inspired. She never got the skills she needed to turn things around.

She never got the recipe.

The information she learned would fade, the inspiration would wane, and she would be back where she started.

Finally, in working together, something broke open in Alexandra that she didn’t even know was there. She said she felt like she was hit by a train. She wasn’t feeling fleeting inspiration. She was finally seeing the misunderstandings she had about her own life. About herself.

You see, Alexandra could never get out of the trap she was in because she had no idea she was in it.

These are the blind spots we talk about in the LIVE 5-Day Meant for More Intensive.


We give you the recipe you need to finally crush self-sabotage, know your worth, and charge for it.

We call it a recipe because it’s not just a firehose of information. It is a careful crafted step-by-step collection of specific ingredients that are assembled in a specific way.

Once Alexandra had the recipe she needed, her whole life accelerated.

She created a brand whose vision had been in her heart for years. She is now making confident decisions and choosing herself along with being a mom! She finally knows she was Meant for More and has gone after her MORE!

Are you ready to uncover your blind spots and finally stop standing in the way of your own big dreams?

Talk soon,



Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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