
Separating the Truth From a Lie

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Slow down for a second.

Ask yourself, “Do I truly want the result I say I want?”

If so, and you still don’t have it, then consider you are operating with a misconception, misunderstanding, or lie present.

A blind spot.

The great news is you can uncover your blind spot by learning to separate the Truth from the Lie.

Like the psychologist Carl Jung said:

“Unless you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.

be a better you

Meaning, that our minds lie. The voice in our mind will tells us things like, “You don’t have the time to do that,” and that is a lie.

And when we believe our minds, we sabotage our results because we don’t clear away the blind spot that is in our way of the Truth.

✨The Truth, that will always allow you to achieve the results you truly desire.

To have your desires realized, you first have to feel them.

Recently, I was in conversation with a client who was struggling to commit to prioritizing her time to do the necessary activities required for her results.

With my coaching, she was able to separate the Truth from the Lie.

She thought, logically didn’t have the time, but after separating out the Lie from the Truth, she was able to see clearly:

The Lie: “I’m too busy and don’t have the time. Being disciplined is painful and will take away my freedom.”

struggling to be a better you

The Truth: “I am actually choosing chaos and thereby losing time because I am spending all my time on activities that don’t really matter.
I’ve been trying to control my time in order to feel free.
Rather than realizing, by prioritizing my time and committing to it, I will have more FREE time.

“I simply hadn’t seen it that way before.”

So if you have been struggling to get down to business because you’ve been telling yourself, you need more time…

#1 Key that will begin to set you FREE is to learn to separate the Lie from the Truth so that you see the Truth, and take the necessary Aligned Actions so that you set yourself FREE.


This IS what will allow you to achieve your desired results.
This IS what closes the gap from where you are to where you want to be.
This IS what allows you Real Freedom.

Standing for your greatness,



Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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