
A Story on Procrastination Loops

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Have you ever stood at the edge of your dreams, only to feel an invisible force pulling you back? This is Laura’s breakthrough story, and it may just be yours too…

For years Laura was wrestling with the wrong problem…

Getting Stuck in Procrastination Cycles

Trapped in the vicious cycle of procrastination, day after day putting off tasks or completely abandoning them when the fear crept in. She would exhaust herself overthinking, endlessly analyzing every possible outcome, only to quit halfway through because of the overwhelming self-doubt.

Laura thought maybe she simply couldn’t manage her time.

But procrastination was more than just a time management issue – it was Laura’s defense mechanism, shielding her from deep-seated fears and insecurities. Her mind had convinced her that quitting brought RELIEF and chasing her dreams meant PAIN.

Can you relate?

Are you feeling held back by your own doubts because you’re too afraid to take action?

She was watching her dreams slip away… 

This was the twisted reality Laura lived in.

This cycle of procrastination was costing Laura a FORTUNE:

  • Mentally, 
  • Emotionally, 
  • Physically, 
  • Financially, and even in her Relationships.

Then came a turning point.

Laura started working with us…

Getting Out of a Procrastination Cycle

Together, we uncovered the root cause of her struggles: her Original Core Trauma™️. 

Then explored with her how this one experience and all of it’s emotions had been shaping her life and leading her current decisions. 

Through our support Laura began to understand how her Core Wound™️ influenced every thought, belief, action and inaction. 

Healing her Core Wound™ had a profound shift in her as she aligned with her True Self, she radiated a newfound sense of purpose and clarity. And she STOPPED procrastinating! 

Laura began to create the life she always dreamed of:

  • She honed in on her ideal client, offering them incredible value and enrolling 5 new clients into her program! 
  • She had her best month ever in business, shattering her previous goals.
  • Her relationships flourished as she learned to prioritize her actions, delegate distractions, and create deeper, more meaningful connections.
  • She built more trust with her spouse.
  • And the fulfillment she had chased for years was finally hers!

Before working with us, Laura was stuck in a cycle of procrastination, battling against her ingrained patterns. Through our work, we were able to guide her to a crucial realization:

Procrastination is but a symptom of An Original Core Trauma™.

This key Truth unlocked a path to healing and transformation.

We are honored to have been a part of her journey.

Laura’s story is a beacon of hope for anyone ready to confront and heal from their deepest wounds, unlocking an extraordinary life.

Are you ready to break free from procrastination, discover your true potential and achieve the success you know you were meant for?

With all my support,


P.S. Crave more value and deep insights into forging a life filled with success and meaningful relationships. Follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss out on anything! Your growth is my priority.


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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