
Why Did I Try This?!

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A while back, I tried falconry. It’s this really amazing experience where falcons fly right onto your arm and then cast away into the sky.

These incredible, majestic birds were letting us into their world.

It was truly magical.

When I watched back the video of myself doing falconry, I noticed that I was really tense.

Not at all my perception of the experience!

I asked myself, “Why was I being like that?”

Then I realized what was happening: I wasn’t afraid of the bird. I was feeling the eyes of the teacher.

The bird was massive, but all I felt was the energy of the guy leading the falconry. I could feel all his worry and concern. His own trauma.

And it immediately fired my “Am I going to do it right?” Am I going to do the right thing with the glove? With the bird?

Once I recognized these insecurities, I could see that I was no longer being Aligned.

So I went back and replayed the whole experience, again. In my imagination. Full body. I saw myself being 100% aligned with the bird, not the teacher.

I allowed the teacher the dignity of his own life experience by not making his experience about me.

I didn’t make his trauma my trauma.


It was so important for me to go back and clear this experience and get back in Alignment with my true self and own that I am not those insecurities.

Who would you have to be to really own yourself, and allow others the dignity of their own experiences?

This is why I don’t live in doubt.

How can you start to claim your Alignments in every aspect of your life?

The Truth is you can’t just whip yourself into Alignment or beat yourself into living your Truth.

You will have to claim it in every part of your life.

Still struggling to be all-in?

Look lovingly at where you are not claiming yourself in every part of your life:

If you’re people-pleasing at work to be liked, you’re not claiming your Truth.
If you’re letting your partner’s insecurities become your own, you’re not claiming your Truth.
If you’re playing small to fit into a nice, tidy box, you’re not claiming your Truth.

Are you ready to go all-in on really owning what you say?

And know that I am rooting for YOU!

Standing for your greatness,



Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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