You Cannot Avoid Risk

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Facing risk is inevitable! I know, I know – our natural instinct is to dodge, duck and run from anything uncertain or unpredictable. We’re warned from childhood to prioritize safety and caution above all else. But here’s the truth: There is NO way to avoid risk.

Safety is an Illusion

“Safety” is an illusion. We’re never “safe”, at any moment life can change. 

The mere act of being born automatically places us at risk. For have you noticed that nobody gets out of here alive? Instead…

  • What if you actively chose to embrace risk? 
  • What if you actively chose to grow?
  • What if you actively chose to make all of life an adventure?
  • To live life with the meaning you are choosing.

Trying to avoid risk, traps us in stagnation and quiet desperation. It blinds us from seeing all the opportunities and solutions that would give us the CLARITY to make our dreams reality.

Live Your Best Life

Consider, the biggest risk isn’t failing but rather never having truly lived at all. The Truth is there are risks and costs to action but they are always far less than the risks and costs of inaction. 

So I’m issuing you a personal challenge. 

Go ALL IN – mentally, emotionally, behaviorally, consistently, until your Intentions = Outcomes! Stop seeking safety. Start choosing your risks. Redefining risk is an essential part of your expansion by saying YES to fully living your life on purpose! 

I double dare you.


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

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  • How to stop self-sabotaging
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