Instead of Judgment – Try This Tactic

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Let’s talk about forms of judgment today. This includes self-judgment, and judgment of others. I always say that your greatness is in your blind spots.  Which is really not helpful, is it?! 

You see, your blind spots contain really useful and powerful information, and every time we live intentionally, we actually call what is in our blind spots into our lives….

However, unless we know we’re doing this, we often get frustrated that they’re there (happens to everyone!) as we were never taught that they serve a purpose. 

The good news: if you shift how you approach your blind spots, you will find the gold hidden within them. 

And It all starts with knowing your end goal – your vivid vision.

Stop Self Judgment By Creating a Vivid Vision

When you hold your vivid vision as a container for what you want, holding the feeling place of how you want to feel, anything that is IN THE WAY will show itself immediately. 

These are the limiting beliefs, the self doubts, the negative emotions that are causing you to self-sabotage – stopping you from achieving the results you MOST want! 

stop self judgement

The key is to not allow those things to take you down a rabbit hole of judgement and shame where we have a habit of reacting without realizing it and end up in the weeds of something else. We need to change our mindset.

So what do we do instead? 

We look at what comes up lovingly and with an amplitude of curiosity. Meaning, the moment that a potentially destructive thought pops up pause, and reflect on it with curiosity: 

“Hmmm, I wonder what this is about?” You might ask. 

“I wonder what I’m making this mean?” 

Or, “Hmmm, I wonder where this is coming from?”

How to Stop Self Judgment

In truth, when you understand how powerful you REALLY are, and that you create your entire reality and, thus, have created these limiting beliefs, these self doubts and therefore these negative emotions… that are trying to take you out…

fix your mindset

You can start to recognize you can uncreate them. By recognizing they’re a gift; feedback that is given you access to show you your blind spots you’ve been caught in. This will help stop self-sabotage, too.

Which is why they’re your greatest superpower. Because when they no longer take you out of alignment from what you want, then there’s literally nothing standing in your way of success. How would life feel if you no longer had shame and judgement taking you out of action?

How would your life look differently if you could leverage your thoughts, your actions, and your emotions as messages or feedback, instead of truth and reality?

Don’t Let Judgment Overcome Your True Feelings

What would life be like if you could look at these blind spots with love and curiosity?

Because from over here, I can see the answer is simple: You have everything inside you right now to be everything you want to be. And Your Answers are in your blind spots. 

From your corner, 


P.S. Seeing the power hiding in your blind spots is my superpower. We’ve had LOTS of requests for another 5 Day Challenge to Stop your Self-Sabotage, Know your Worth, and Charge for It! We hear you! Keep an eye out for more information or email me back to let me know you want in!


Mia Hewett

My mission is to help entrepreneurs awaken to the truth of who they are, so they can make six to seven figures in their businesses, live their purpose and make the difference and impact they are Meant to make.

Stop the Self-Sabotage

Know Your Worth and Charge for It

In our 5-day live intensive, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop self-sabotaging
  • How to change your subconscious mind
  • How to overcome your limiting beliefs..

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